Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Final Thoughts

As I sit here and listen to John McCain give his concession speech, I feel the need to put down some last thoughts before we put this election behind us. I don't think I am alone in saying I am disappointed but not surprised at the result. As I have prayed through these past few weeks, the passage in 1 Samuel 8 has repeatedly come to my mind. Israel demanded a king, and the Lord assured Samuel that it was not him that the people were rejecting, but the Lord. He warned the people through Samuel of the terrible things this new king would bring upon them, but the people insisted. The Lord said, "Listen to them and give them a king."

Americans have been in the process of rejecting God and removing Him from our institutions, schools, marriages, families and especially our government for years. Yes, God is fully in control. But sometimes He chooses to give us what we ask for and allow us to suffer the consequences for our choices. I believe He has allowed us to have our "king" in the results of this election tonight.

It literally makes me sick to my stomach to think of the road we are about to travel down over the next few years. Many of us may have made a different choice, but as Americans, we suffer the consequences alongside those who made this choice. I wonder, though, how many of those who cast their vote for Obama today, and are celebrating his victory tonight, will stand up for that choice and share in the responsibility of the consequences of his leadership.

Although I disagreed with Bill Clinton ideologically, I could submit to his leadership as the president of my country. That does not seem possible this time. There is much more than an ideological issue with Obama-a deeper spiritual and patriotic issue that goes to the core of who I am and what and Who I believe in. And while I don't believe Obama was rejected for his race by those who opposed him this time, it saddens me that his decisions and leadership as our president will end up hurting race relations in this country and the opportunities for minorities to follow in his footsteps. I go to bed tonight with a heavy heart and a sense of fear and dread for what we as Americans have chosen tonight.


Susan L. Prince said...

Let not your heart be troubled.

Prayer is needed, we need as Christians to unite and pray for this nation and it's leaders like crazy.

Our God is way bigger than all this.

roaringlamb3 said...

I have no fear that God is not in control. He is-all the time. And He IS bigger than all of this. My point was that nobody ever wants to talk about the consequences of setting ourselves up as enemies of God, and when we don't stand up for LIFE, that is exactly what we do. And when His people bow down to the god of "social progress", which is often extremely anti-Biblical, rather than the God whose name we carry, we participate in that. And there are severe consequences for countries and people who turn their backs and set themselves up as enemies of God, whether we like to think about that or not.

Carol said...

1 Timothy 2:1-2
"I urge, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
It's all we can do...