Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Blessing of Conflict

Today I had a conflict with someone I care about a lot. I said something that hurt her, and she called me on it. The conversation wasn't fun, but it ended well. Even more, it made me even more thankful for her. Rather than getting angry and distancing herself from me, she confronted me and gave me the opportunity to apologize. Because of that, I now know that I need to be even more careful about the things I say and/or write. That's important, because my relationship with her is more important to me than venting my frustration at times.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough people like that in our lives. At least, I know I don't. Too many conflicts are allowed to fester and grow to include every little thing that the other person does until soon everything they do is an offense. When we get to that point, the relationship is so fractured that reconciliation is nearly impossible. Very few people enjoy conflict. I know I don't. But I am thankful for the gift of the process that leads to reconciliation, and for those few who are willing to fight through it to get to the blessing that follows.


Susan L. Prince said...

I'm not sure the blessing is the conflict, but I do know it is definitely in the reconciliation.

I am blessed to have a best friend who forgives 70x7, even though I think by now I've gone over even that! LOL

Alicia Beth said...

I totally agree with your thoughts here.While conflict is hard emotionally it can be where God works His best !! If there's anything I've learned lately it's that God WILL have His way and He's most concerned with His glory,not our comfort.So thankful for your heart and that you're in my life :)