Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Glimpse of God's Pain

Last night at Bible study we were talking about love, fear (or lack of fear) in love, and people's response to love. It made me think of two friends whom I love dearly. Both of them struggle with depression, and have a tendency to withdraw and avoid love. Most of the time when I call, they don't answer. I will leave repeated messages, and they do not respond. This hurts my heart. I know that they are my friends and that they are not avoiding me because they don't love me. They simply don't feel lovable, and therefore do not know how to receive love from me, or others who try to love them.

How many times have I felt unworthy of God's love? I knew He was calling to me to spend time with Him, to pray and read His Word, His love letter to me. Yet, because of my unworthiness, I have avoided His advances. I haven't respond to His love because I do not know how to receive it. If I know how much it hurts my heart to be avoided by my friends, and I can only love them with limited human love, how much more must it hurt the heart of God for me to avoid His offers of love?

I pray all the time that the Lord will show me His heart. Often there is pain in what is revealed. "Perfect love casts out fear." (1 John 4:18) Imagine what we could accomplish if we were unafraid to love, regardless of the pain or consequences. Oh, if we could only live every day with the heart of our Lord. We may feel so much more pain, but we would also change the world.

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