Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Goes on in the Liberal's Mind

Ok, so I sorta forgot about my blog until a friend commented on an old post today. Since I couldn't sleep, and there's a lot on my mind, I thought I'd sit down and share some of it. Actually, I am going to write what I think surely must go on in the minds of liberal voters in America. Here goes:

"I think I'll vote for that Obama fellow. I have all these medical bills and prescriptions. He says I don't have to worry about health care. The government will pay for that. It's the government. I'm sure they have unlimited supplies of money. It won't affect my income at all. I also have this big house, and the three cars in the garage are causing a bit of a problem. He says that I don't have to worry about making those payments, though. The government will take care of that, too, if it gets too much for me to handle.

He said he won't raise taxes for me and my friends, just the businesses we work for. I'm sure it won't affect my paycheck at all if they have to pay more in taxes. Wow. When I think about that, I'm getting off pretty good. Free health care, all my bills paid, and no higher taxes. Maybe I'll even be able to afford a vacation this year. That is, if the terrorists don't attack us or take away our oil supply. Oh, nevermind. I forgot. He's going to negotiate with them, too. I'm sure they'll slash prices on their oil just to accomodate the president who worked side by side with one of their leaders. This guy just gets better all the time.

And what about that other guy? He thinks that government spending should be cut. I'm pretty sure that means I'd have to pay all of my own bills and take care of my own family. That would be asking way too much. He also thinks we should fight the terrorists before they attack us. Don't you think that might offend them? We wouldn't want anyone to be mad at us just because we care about the safety of our families.

And then there's that woman. She doesn't just talk about cutting spending in government, she actually does it. She also chose to have a baby who she knew would have special needs. And now she is supporting her teenage daughter who has chosen to keep her baby. What if that gets out. My goodness, we might all have to start taking responsibility for the consequences of our actions. We can't have that. No. Choice is only a viable argument if it results in the murder of a baby (I mean, elimination of a problem). This is just getting out of hand.

I know that Obama uses a lot of words, but it sure does sound good. All that flowery language and pie-in-the-sky retoric really excites a crowd. And if it sounds good, it must be good, right? I mean, he does quote the Bible. I'm not sure God meant it the way he uses it, but at least he says it. That must be good for something. I know he doesn't have any experience as a leader, but surely he can pick that up along the way. And bless his little heart, he sure does want the job. I mean, he could have lots of TV time and get to take private jets wherever he wants. It would give all our little boys and girls something to aspire to."

Well, I'm sure I could add quite a bit more sarcasm here, but that's enough for one night. Point made.


robbio said...

Wow, that was really well written. I haven't been following the US elections much though and I certainly don't know anything about McCain or Obama so I can't comment on which candidate would be better as president.

Todd Baldwin said...

Well said. Liberalism is a mental disorder... where's Mark?

Anonymous said...

It is hard to view the mind of the liberal. I say this because I work with 3000 flaming liberals 3000 moderate liberals and 1000 closet conservatives.

I find little ways to strike up conversations without having to give my stance. It's like the conversation changes when someone things they know your position on a topic. In fact I recently had one that tickles me I would like to share.

This friend of mine I will call Jeff is a Minnesotan born and bread, he is also a lawyer that graduated from a MN law school. He forwards me a few graphs side by side of the McCain vs. Obama tax plans. McCain wants to reduce taxes by a percentage across the board and Obama wants to increase the taxes to the top 2-3 income tiers and reduce the taxes paid to everyone else.

My friend looks at me and says he can handle that because it's fair. I ask him what is fair about one person paying more then another person? He almost gets angry at me and goes off on how millionaires can afford it and that they benefit from society more so they should have to pay more. I asked him what difference it makes if someone gets more enjoyment out of society, besides is not that subjective at best? I could argue that you get more happiness out of society because you have been able to have a child and adopt one from China while my wife and I do not have a single child. Also the more money you make the more taxes you already pay so we are already punishing the wealthy for nothing more then having more then another person. Also I could say based upon our pay scales that you are more wealthy then me so what does that say about your stance compared to mine?

He kind of stopped and tried to change the subject about how I could know what he makes verses what I make. It was plain observation and paying attention that gave me that fact. Once that little rebuttal was over he ended the argument because he knew that he would be the target of his own argument shortly by me.

My fear in that debate with him is that the reality of the numbers did not sink in nor did he realize how flawed his logic was at its core. I feel that is the issue with most liberals, the logic behind their statements is flawed at a root level. Once you attack the logic of their arguments they fall apart.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked. That you would write such a thing. I mean, picking on liberals like that. They can't help it that they do not think clearly. It is not thier fault they like the flowers more than the substance. We should give them a break. Just because they would blindly accept fluffy words does not mean we should pick on them.