Thursday, July 10, 2008


So last night Mark and I were talking about the trip we are leaving on today. I was still packing and cleaning after midnight last night when he jokingly told me he wished I was excited about this trip. Of course, I am always bouncing off the walls excited when we get to go home, and it's been over two years since we've gone as a family. He said, "But we're not going home." In a sense, I guess that's true. The two places we are going this time are places where we have never lived. First we are going to the Cities where our best friends from college live. We are staying with them and going to our InterVarsity Christian Fellowship reunion with lots more college friends. After that we are headed to my parent's home in northern Wisconsin where they moved after Mark and I were already in Tennessee.

It doesn't matter to me, though. To me, we are going home. Home is not about the place to me, it is about the people and the feeling of welcome and belonging. I am most excited about being able to just sit with people who love me for who I am and don't constantly focus on the ways I am different. It's nice to have people excited that we are going to be there, who want us around, just because we are us. That's Home. I wish that I had taken more advantage of those relationships while we lived there. If I had been as emotionally healthy than as I am now, I would have enjoyed them much more. I can't go back and change that, but I can take advantage of every moment that I have been given this week, and that's exactly what I am going to do.

1 comment:

Joe said...

There is nothing quite like a timely comment on a post from two months ago. :) I know how you feel with the "home" statement. Although I love it here, go back to my Mom's will always be home. All my Sisters and their families are there and that will always be my personal "home". I will always identify myself as a Minnesota-boy. That is who I am. I have made a home for Gretchen, Noah and myself but going back to MN will always warm my heart.