Friday, April 11, 2008

Adventures in Pajamas

Yesterday we had another round of strong thunderstorms and tornado watches/warnings. I don't get afraid, or even really nervous, when those things happen, but I do like to have my family together and be prepared. That way I know that if something does happen, all we have to worry about is getting the kids to a safe place. Our safe place is the hallway. I always pack a small bag with a change of clothes and toothbrushes for everyone, as well as a stack of blankets and our computers, camera and external hard drive in the cubby area in front of our hall bathroom. That bathroom is unusable at this point, so it has become a storage closet as we are decluttering our house. Trust me, these are all important details for the rest of the story.

Since the weather did get pretty bad, with thunder, lightening, little tiny hail, and a transformer on our corner that blew, the kids were in bed with us. That meant nobody got much sleep. This morning, since I didn't have anywhere to be until 9:30, I decided to take the kids to school in my pajamas. After all, I was staying in the car and had plenty of time to take a shower when I got home. So here's what I did:

1) Put on my leather jacket over my pajamas.
2) Went outside and realized it was too hot for the leather jacket.
3) Took it back inside and hung it on the coat rack.
4) Took the kids to school, wearing my flannel jammies (without my hair combed, by the way.
5) Got home and realized that my house keys were in the pocket guessed leather jacket.

So, in the pouring rain and my flannel jammies, I crawled over the fence and broke into my own house. Guess where I got in. The bathroom, which is serving as a storage closet. So, balanced with one foot on the toilet and one foot on tippytoe between stored things that may or may not be important, I tried to open the door. Next problem. Remember all of the things I had packed in the hallway last night? They were in front of the bathroom door. So here I am, in my pajamas, soaked and balancing precariously on the toilet and semi-floor, and I can't get the door open. I shoved as hard as I could, and finally got it to budge enough that I could squeeze through.

Amazingly, I did manage to take a shower and go on with my day. Good thing, too, since it was a pretty good day. I'll write more about that later. Tonight, I am securing my house once again and going to bed-in fresh clean flannel jammies-which is exactly what I wanted to go back to this morning!

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