Monday, November 19, 2007


I am sitting here typing this because I am so overwhelmed I don't know where to start working. Really, I need to be peeling potatoes, cooking stuffing, and cleaning my house. Thank you to those of you who stopped by and left a comment on my first post. Obviously I haven't spent much time here yet, since I just noticed them :)

Why do I get so crazy nervous every time my parents come to visit? Probably because I am the worlds' worst housekeeper, and for a non-procrastinator, will procrastinate cleaning for company until it's almost too late, and then I drive everyone nuts with my overwhelmedness. Is that a word.

Anyway, I really do have a lot of serious stuff on my mind right now, but if I start writing it, the potatoes won't get peeled, the homeless won't get stuffing, and the dust will get dusty. Off to the kitchen I go...

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