Friday, April 24, 2009

Some Things Never Change

This weekend is the Word Within the Word Conference at Union University. I went by myself and hoped that I would find someone nice to eat and talk with. I sat down at a table with two ladies who welcomed me warmly. We struck up a conversation and were enjoying getting to know each other. Another woman joined us (who was wonderful, and I look forward to talking with her more tomorrow), and she asked me where I am from. I said northern Minnesota, and the mood at the table changed. One of the first two ladies said, "Oh, you're from up there," and that was the last thing she said to me the entire night. This was just another example of how the attitude towards outsiders (especially those of us from the north) in this place will never change. What blessed me, though, was how much the attitude of my heart has changed. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and am excited about going back tomorrow. I was still able to see the blessing in the other woman who joined us and made me feel accepted in a room full of strangers. God may not change my situation, but He has worked a miracle in the way I respond to it. I am so thankful that He never gives up on me, and for the people who who have come alongside Him & me in that process.


Alicia Beth said...

Ronda,dear!! This is awesome.Not that you're still dealing with prejudice but that God has done so much work in your heart.The old Ronda would have left in tears and missed out on the other blessings.
I'm so sorry someone still treats you like that.But,we know what they don't.You have more southern hospitality in your bones than most of us born here :) It's her loss she didn't get to know you better.I know I'm certainly better for you being in my life :)

Carol said...

Hang in there you minnasotian, I love you and your oddly lovable ways, and you love and all the mess that comes with foreigners.