Friday, February 29, 2008

Gene's and Migraines

Two days in a row I've remembered to blog! Maybe it can become a habit again. I was at Bible study this morning and got a call from the school. Actually, it was Lynnea on her teacher's cell phone. What happened to having to go to the office to call home? Anyway, she had a headache and needed to be picked up. Probably I shouldn't have sent her at all today. She was up last night crying with a headache. That's the hardest thing for me to take as a mom. My migraines started around 8 or 9 years old, and I hate to think that I've passed them on to her. I gave her some motrin and let her sleep with me. When she woke up this morning, she felt better, so I sent her to school. It never occurred to me that they have flourescent lights at school, and she'd have to be reading a lot. So, here she is with me, sitting in the dark, and hopefully recovering soon. Gene's are not always good.

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