Sunday, May 24, 2009

A God-Centered Marriage

This morning, Northbrook Church experienced something totally new to us as a church family. Our friends, Ron & Tanya, have both been married & divorced before they accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. Since they became Christians, they met & fell in love. They both truly want this marriage to be different. They want to experience God at the very center of their relationships with each other, their children & their church. They & our pastor decided to surprise everyone with a ceremony during the regular Sunday service. That way the focus of the day was on the Lord rather than on them, and their wedding was simply an extension of their (and our) worship. It was a blessing for them and for everyone who was privileged enough to be there.

Chuck began the ceremony with an interview with Ron & Tanya. A lot of people still didn't guess at this point that the wedding would actually be today.

They had written their own vows. They were beautiful.

Ron couldn't wait. He kissed Tanya after she read her vows. Chuck had to say, "No, wait! Not yet!"

Ron pledged to love & care for Tanya's children as his own. It was a very precious moment.

Then the church family pledged to come alongside them in their desire to live out a Christian marriage & family.

The happy family :) We surprised them with a reception following the service. It was a special morning for everyone involved.


Susan L. Prince said...

It was a most memorable worship experience with the NB family today!

Best wedding ever!

Rae Whitlock said...

So cool. Makes me miss NB.